You found the source of my anxiety!
He's totally gonna cum in me
Praying to the white dick gods
Focused on one big thing only
You've just been bowling-balled
Do I have your attention now?
Stop staring and touch 'em!
Ain't no pacifier like a penis
Do nut hit me in the eyes
Definitely better than watching TV
A different kind of hairdresser
She thought white boys don't hurt
Did I really sign up for this?
Crying white tears of joy
Good things come to those who wait
Sucking it while everyone can see her
Hehe, yep, that's the spot!
Are you going to work, too?
Let me share my pain in you
Finally, he lets me breathe!
Is that a fucking camera?
White penis does a body good
This ain't gonna fill itself!
Normally I'm not this slutty
Man! You'd better try harder!
Oh that ass is getting it!
Just relax your ass, just let it happen
Fucking push back already!
A female DJ taught me this
Fuck me right here, you're crazy
The ass that made you cry
Next time you clean before I come
This is no ordinary white dick
This boner needs in, NOW!
She had to know this was next
And this is why I cum fast
Mmm like a throbbing popsicle
Like a fucking puzzle piece!
So why did you ask me to come over?
Dreaming of that big white dick
Nut all you want, no stopping me
They can't say I don't feed you well
It's nut flavoured, my favourite
So what are we gonna do here
Do you need some fucking gravity?
Really? Get the fuck over here!
That'll wipe the smile off your face!
That ass and that dick size MATCH
Yes! I can see the white.. err light!
I dream of white cock all day long
I'll pry my way into this a-hole!
More lips, less teeff right
Borrowing my friend's wife for a bit
Let's play "who cums last"
Massage whores need passion too
Are you taping this again?
Your black pussy belongs here
Cum facial...because I'm worth it
Click here to see BLACK whores and party sluts uncovered on cam!